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Recent Projects 

Beacons Hawkweed Hieracium breconicola
Beacons Hawkweed

Saving the world’s rarest plant 

Beacons Hawkweed Hieracium breconicola is one of the rarest plants on the planet. Prior to our species recovery project, the total world population comprised a single lonely plant. This last remaining plant maintained a tenuous foothold on a windswept mountain ledge in the Brecon Beacons National Park. Fortunately, Kew Gardens had seeds in storage at the Millennium Seed Bank and this allowed us to take up the challenge of saving Beacons Hawkweed from extinction. Following consultation with Kew, seeds were taken out of cold storage and sent to our rare plants nursery. We successfully germinated the seeds and created a backup population in cultivation. We have undertaken a trial introduction project that has demonstrated that cultivated plants can be successfully returned to the wild. We are currently investigating funding opportunities that will allow us to continue this important species recovery project.

York Groundsel
York Groundsel

Resurrecting an extinct species

York Groundsel Senecio eboracensis is an English endemic that was once known from many locations around the City of York. It typically grew on waste ground next to railway lines and car parks as well as abandoned brownfield sites and as a pavement weed. The redevelopment of brownfield sites and the increased usage of herbicide by the city council caused a swift decline and the species became globally extinct in 2003. No plants were held in cultivation and the species only survived as seeds that were being held in long-term cold storage at Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank. In 2022 we obtained seeds from the Millennium Seed Bank and established York Groundsel in cultivation at our rare plants nursery. The following year we returned seeds to various locations around York city centre. The project has been a success. In summer 2023 York Groundsel flowered in the City of York for the first time in over twenty years.


The lost seaside flower

Cottonweed Achillea maritima is a very distinctive plant that was first recorded from Britian in the early part of the 17th century. It is a specialist of sand dunes and stabilised shingle and was once known from many coastal locations along the south and east coast of England. The last English population became extinct in 1936. A small population survives in County Wexford in Ireland thanks to the efforts of Ireland’s National Parks and Wildlife Services. In collaboration with Natural England, we have just commenced work on a recovery project that hopes to return Cottonweed to the south coast of England. We have established Cottonweed in cultivation using seeds from the Irish population and we are now undertaking fieldwork to identify potential introduction sites.

Chelsea Flower Show
Chelsea Flower Show

Bringing rare natives to a wider audience, May 2024

We provided dozens of rare native plants for Dan Bristow’s inspiring and thought-provoking show garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. It’s unlikely that any of the species we provided have been on display at Chelsea before. Our rare plants attracted considerable interest and brought the plight of many rare species to a much wider audience. The show garden received the highest awards from the Chelsea judges; Best in Category and a coveted Chelsea Gold Medal.

Spotted Rockrose
The Darwin Tree of Life project

Sequencing the genomes of all known species

The Darwin Tree of Life project aims to sequence the genomes of all animal, plant and fungi species in Britain and Ireland. It is one of several initiatives across the globe working towards the ultimate goal of sequencing all complex life on Earth. This ambitious venture is known as the Earth BioGenome Project. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is contributing plant and fungal expertise to the project. We are working with Kew on this groundbreaking project and have provided many rare species for DNA sampling and preservation in Kew’s herbarium.

Marsh Fleawort
Marsh Fleawort

Bringing back an extinct species

Marsh Fleawort Tephroseris palustris is a beautiful and stately plant of pond margins and ditches. It was first recorded in Britain in 1650. At this time, it would have been widespread in suitable habitats throughout eastern England. Agricultural improvements and drainage of its habitats resulted in a rapid decline. It was last recorded in Norfolk in 1899. We are working in collaboration with Natural England on an exciting project that will return Marsh Fleawort to Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. The first seeds and plants were returned to the wild in 2023.

Lamb's Succory
Lamb’s Succory

Returning extinct arable weeds to eastern England

Lamb’s Succory Arnoseris minima was once widely scattered in eastern and south-eastern England. It was primarily a weed of arable fields and fallow ground. It declined rapidly following an increased usage of fertilisers and herbicides and was last seen in 1971. We are growing large numbers of Lamb’s Succory plants in order to generate seeds for reintroduction projects in eastern England. Other extinct arable weeds that we are helping make a return to the arable fields of England include; Corn Cleavers Galium tricornutum, Thorow-wax Bupleurum rotundifolium, Darnel Lolium temulentum and Interrupted Brome Bromus interruptus.

Hieracium subminutidens
Llanwrtyd Hawkweed

Hieracium subminutidens

This rare endemic Hawkweed grows at a number of locations along the River Irfon in Mid Wales. It is typically found growing on rocky ledges close to the river. We recently surveyed all of the historical sites for Llanwrtyd Hawkweed and have found that the population has declined from over one hundred plants in 2008 to just twenty-three in 2022. The reasons for this decline are unclear but probably relate to more regular flooding events, invasive vegetation, and increased recreational pressure. We have established a backup population of Llanwrtyd Hawkweed in cultivation and we are now seeking funding to return plants to the wild. If suitable introduction sites can be found along the River Irfon, we will be able to turnaround the fortunes of this critically endangered Welsh flower.

Floating Water-plantain
Floating Water-plantain

Montgomery Canal restoration project

The Montgomery Canal is an important site for rare aquatic plants including Floating Water-plantain Luronium natans. Unfortunately, the open water habitat that Floating Water-plantain requires is gradually being lost as other more competitive plant species become dominant. Some sections of the canal are now completely overgrown with no open water. As part of a major restoration project, we are working with the Canal and River Trust. The project will bring the canal back to its former glory as well as creating a number of large species rich wetland habitats. For this project, we are growing Floating Water-plantain and a number of rare pondweeds including Long-stalked Pondweed Potamogeton praelongus and Grass-wrack Pondweed P. compressus. These rare plants will be introduced to the newly created wetlands as well as to the restored sections of the canal.

Brecon Dandelion
Brecon Dandelion

Taraxacum breconense

Brecon Dandelion is endemic to Wales and is found nowhere else in the world. It was once known from a dozen sites in Monmouthshire and Breconshire but has been lost from most of these as a result of changes in land management and overgrazing by sheep. It is now critically endangered and threatened with extinction. We have just commenced work on a species recovery project that will establish new populations of Brecon Dandelion in the Brecon Beacons National Park. Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank supplied us with seeds and we now have a back-up population of the Brecon Dandelion in cultivation. We have identified a number of sites that could support this special Dandelion and we will be introducing cultivated plants to these locations early next year.

Water Germander
The Great Fen Project

Restoring a landscape

The Great Fen is an ambitious fen restoration project that aims to create 3,700 hectares of fen landscape between Huntington and Peterborough. The project will connect two of the last surviving fragments of wild fen that are left in Britain, Woodwalton Fen and Holme Fen. This ambitious habitat restoration project is one of the largest of its kind in Europe and will have huge benefits for the environment, biodiversity and the local economy. We are working with Natural England to return some of the rarest fenland plants to the Great Fen. These include; Water Germander Teucrium scordium, Fen Ragwort Jacobaea paludosa, Fen Violet Viola stagnina, Fen Woodrush Luzula pallescens and Marsh Fleawort Tephroseris palustris.

Northern Marsh-orchids
Northern Marsh-orchids

Warrington, Cheshire

As well as cultivating rare plants for species recovery projects, our plant nursery is also a botanical storage facility. We have a number of ongoing projects involving rare plants that have been rescued from development sites and require temporary storage. We are currently looking after two hundred Northern Marsh-orchids Dactylorhiza purpurella that were removed from a site in Warrington prior to the construction of an industrial warehouse. As part of the development’s conservation strategy a new habitat is being created for the orchids. We have been commissioned to look after the orchids whilst their new habitat is being created.

Limestone Woundwort
Limestone Woundwort

Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire

Limestone Woundwort Stachys alpina is a perennial herb that is now restricted to just two sites in the British Isles, one in Denbighshire in Wales and one in Wotton-Under-Edge in Gloucestershire. A local wildlife charity in Gloucestershire asked if we could help establish a backup population for the Wotton plants. Our rare plant collection already included Limestone Woundwort with Wotton provenance so we were able to get to work immediately. A churchyard not far from the existing native site was identified as an ideal receptor site. Following consultation with the resident vicar and her parishioners, Limestone Woundwort plants were introduced in autumn 2021. This newly foundered population is now flourishing under the existing churchyard management regime.

Rock Cinquefoil
Rock Cinquefoil & Sticky Catchfly

Criggion Quarry, Breidden Hill, Montgomeryshire

Breidden Hill is a famous site for very rare plants including Rock Cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris and Sticky Catchfly Silene viscaria. At Breidden Hill both of these species are critically endangered and now persist in single figures. The decline of these species is a result of overzealous Victorian plant collectors, historical quarrying activities, and invasive species. As part of the quarry restoration plan, we were commissioned by Heidelberg Materials to collect seeds of these two nationally rare plants and grow them on as part of a reintroduction project. Once our cultivated plants had reached a sufficient size we introduced them to carefully selected parts of the old quarry. This is a long-term project that is currently ongoing. Recent monitoring has shown that dozens of our introduced Rock Cinquefoil and Sticky Catchfly plants are now well established five years after they were introduced.

Perennial Knawel
Perennial Knawel & Upright Clover

Stanner Rocks National Nature Reserve, Radnorshire

Stanner Rocks is another famous site for rare plants including the Perennial Knawel Scleranthus perennis ssp perennis that is found nowhere else in the British Isles and Upright Clover Trifolium strictum that is only found elsewhere on the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall. At Stanner Rocks both these species are restricted to a tiny spur of rock but were probably more widespread before quarrying activities in the nineteenth century. Perennial Knawel numbers fluctuate with approximately fifty plants each year. Upright Clover is critically endangered with just one or two plants appearing each year and occasionally none at all. We were commissioned under licence by Natural Resources Wales to collect seeds and cuttings from the wild plants and grow them on to produce large numbers of seeds for translocation to a carefully selected location on a different part of the reserve. We planted out Perennial Knawel seeds fourteen years ago, the new population has gradually increased in size and now supports over one thousand plants. The Upright Clover seeds were planted out eleven years ago, the new population now supports between fifty and one hundred plants each year and represents a very significant percentage of the entire British population. 

The Powys Rare Plants Project

Restoring rare plant populations in Mid Wales

With funding from the Welsh Government and in collaboration with the three Mid Wales Wildlife Trusts we are currently working on an ambitious species recovery project. The project is targeting a dozen species that have declined in Powys or have been lost altogether. This project will see the establishment of new populations of Spreading Bellflower Campanula patula, Maiden Pink Dianthus deltoides, Globeflower Trollius europaeus and Wood Bitter-vetch Vicia orobus and the resurrection of extinct species including Heath Cudweed Omalotheca sylvatica and Annual Knawel Scleranthus annuus.

 Red Star-thistle
Red Star-thistle

Centaurea calcitrapa

This Red Data Book biennial is primarily a plant of well-drained soils associated with waste ground, tracksides and dry grasslands.  Most of its existing sites are on the South Downs in Sussex.  At a site near Brighton planning permission was recently granted for a new residential development that would result in the partial loss of a Red Star-thistle population. As part of a mitigation package a translocation exercise is planned to establish a new population of Red Star-thistle close by. As an insurance policy, in case the translocation fails or the plant disappears from the retained parts of the site, we were commissioned to retain a backup population in our rare plants nursery. In addition, seeds were also sent to Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank for long term storage. 


 Wood Bitter-vetch
Wood Bitter-vetch

Vicia orobus

This nationally scarce plant of unimproved hay meadows and rocky banks is restricted to the western half of Britain. We were commissioned by Radnorshire Wildlife Trust to grow on seeds of Wood Bitter-vetch for a species recovery project at the Trust’s flagship reserve Gilfach. At Gilfach Wood Bitter-vetch is restricted to an old railway cutting and rock ledges along the River Marteg. However, it would once have been a component of the nearby unimproved hay meadows but was lost in these areas through inappropriate management prior to the Trust taking ownership. Poor powers of seed dispersal have prevented re-colonisation of the hay meadows despite over twenty five years of favourable management. Following consultation with the Trust’s scientific committee and Natural Resources Wales it was decided to give the Wood Bitter-vetch a helping hand. We were commissioned to grow on seeds from the existing population and plant out the subsequent plants. The project is ongoing and the first plants were planted out into the hay meadows three years ago. All these plants are growing well and have successfully established.

Creeping Marshwort
Creeping Marshwort

Port Meadow, Oxfordshire

Port Meadow is famous for the globally rare Creeping Marshwort Helosciadium repens. An interesting looking Marshwort was collected from Port meadow by our staff in 2001. This material was grown on and held in cultivation. By special request plants were recently passed to researchers at Leicester University who were studying the Helosciadium genus. Through genetic analysis the researchers were able to confirm suspicions that our plant was a hybrid between Creeping Marshwort and Fool’s Watercress Helosciadium nodiflorum, the first confirmed record of this hybrid anywhere in the world. This research has implications on site management for Creeping Marshwort and future reintroduction projects. It has also illustrated the difficulty in identifying some Helosciadium hybrids in the wild where they seldom reach a size that allows positive identification. 


Trollius europaeus

Whilst not as rare as many of the other plants that we hold in cultivation the Globeflower is nevertheless a rapidly declining species and is a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority species in some parts of the country. We have successfully reintroduced this beautiful plant into a marshy grassland in Mid Wales which had lost its Globeflowers as a result of inappropriate management. The new population was foundered from seeds collected from a nearby population that was under threat from erosion of its riverbank habitat. We got there just in time, shortly after we collected seeds the last remaining wild plants were washed away in a flood.

 Spreading Bellflower
Spreading Bellflower

Campanula patula

Spreading Bellflower is one of our most threatened plants. Our material is from a site in Shropshire where the Spreading Bellflower is in steep decline. We have supplied material from our collection to researchers undertaking DNA analysis that hopes to shed more light on the reasons for its rapid decline.

Radnor Lily
DNA Barcoding

Wales was the first country in the world to DNA bar code its entire native flora. We were able to assist in this ground breaking project by providing material from our collection. This included the very rare Radnor Lily Gagea bohemica that we hold in cultivation under special licence. 

Toadflax-leaved St. John's-wort

We have donated pressed material of some of our rarest plants to national herbarium collections. Cultivated material that is carefully preserved allows a perfect representation of key characters. Wild collected material is often limited by the time of year it was collected and may lack flowers, seeds and other important features.

Kew Gardens
Seed Banks

Many of our rare plants have found their way into Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank at Wakehurst Place. 

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